

Color Analysis (Individual)

Come find out your WOW colors! During this appointment you will discover the colors in clothing and makeup that make you look amazing! You will go home with a leather wallet containing swatches of all your colors, a booklet with valuable information regarding your specific coloring, and a newfound confidence in yourself. Truly a once in a lifetime experience! $395

Color Analysis (Group)

What’s better than a color analysis? An analysis with a friend! You will learn so much by seeing the process unfold on someone else. Each person will receive $100 off the individual rate ($295 each).

2 Person - $590

3 Person - $885

4 Person - $1,180

Child Color Analysis (12 and younger)

Give even the youngest child (who can sit still) the gift of color knowledge! In this appointment the child will learn their season only. There is no rating process and wallets are sold separately. $125

Style Analysis (Individual)

During your personal style session, you will learn about the shapes and styles that naturally flatter your body’s unique architecture AND that fit your person likes and personality. Discovering your “Clothing Personality” will help you better choose elements such as patterns, texture, and style details that go together to create an authentic signature style that reflects confidence and makes getting dressed fun! You will be able to filter through the latest fashion and confidently recognize what suits you.  This service is available both in-person or online. $450

Style Analysis (Group)

The more the merrier! It is so fun to better understand your style with friends and family. Each person will receive $100 off the individual rate ($350 each).

2 Person - $700

3 Person - $1,050

4 Person - $1,400

Wardrobe Consulting and Personal Shopping

Offered to clients who have completed both their color and style analysis. I will come to your home and help edit your closet, make a plan for future purchases, and will even do the shopping for you!

$125 per hour